Leaks in your home's plumbing system can be a very significant issue for your home. However, you might not be completely aware of the various tools that are available to help you address this problem. Furthermore, it is common for homeowners to have an inaccurate understanding of the threats that leaks can pose to their homes and landscaping.
Assumption: Only Large Leaks Will Be Problematic
Large leaks in your plumbing system can represent an urgent emergency that will need to be repaired as quickly as possible. Without prompt repairs, large plumbing leaks can contribute to extensive property damage that could be very costly to restore. However, homeowners should not underestimate the threats that smaller plumbing leaks can also pose to their property. For example, there are several ways that small leaks can still cause extensive damage. Creating conditions that will allow rot and mildew to form can be a couple of examples of these issues. Unfortunately, smaller leaks are often able to cause more significant structural issues for a building as they may be able to persist for much longer before they are noticed. This can allow them to cause widespread and severe damage to the house.
Assumption: It Is Impossible To Find Leaks Under Paved Surfaces Without Major Excavation
There can be areas where your home may have a plumbing line under a slab of concrete. When a leak forms in this area, a homeowner can greatly overestimate the difficulties of repairing it. In fact, there are specialized tools that are designed to detect the presence of a leak under a slab of concrete. These tools work by measuring the density of the soil under the slab as soil that is wet will be denser than dry soil. By taking these readings, these services will be able to accurately locate where the leak is occurring under the slab.
Assumption: Visual Signs Of Leaks Are The Only Way To Identify This Problem
Visual clues that a water leak is occurring may be one of the more obvious ways for you to know that your home has this problem. However, this is not the only warning sign that your house is needing to be assessed for plumbing leaks. An increase in your monthly water bills, audible sounds of dripping when the plumbing is in use, and even musty odors can all indicate that a leak has developed in your plumbing system. As a result, you should generally be on the lookout for these warning signs so that you can act to limit the damage from the plumbing leak.
Contact a local leak detection service to learn more.